Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Bored?

Ok by now most of you out there have seen the newsletter. If you have not well - I'm bored. So if you want to come by the studio and entertain me........err...have me entertain you then give me a call. No session fee, No min order, No obligation. Order if you want to. Promotion offer thru March 21st.

1 comment:

bello photography said...

Hey Tom,

Andy just told me about this post and said, "You've got to check out what Tom just did...it's brilliant." I couldn't agree more. We particularly love that bored expression you're sporting on your flier...hmmmm I think I may have seen that at a PPOCC meeting or two! :)

Love the idea...I'm thinking there's a niche there you might be able to use to get you on the speaking circuit. Seriously though, well done!!! It's amazing how just being who you are and having fun with it pays off!

Andy & I are toasting you as we speak....cheers!!!

xo Christine